Connecting change-makers, leaders & creators through a new  regenerative community.

"Emergence is beautiful and dangerous... where things happen that set other things into motion".

-Nora Bateson, President, International Bateson Institute & Founder, Warm Data Labs

Connecting change-makers, leaders & creators through a new  regenerative community.

"Emergence is beautiful and dangerous... where things happen that set other things into motion". Nora Bateson, President, International Bateson Institute & Founder, Warm Data Labs

Take part in emergent experiences. 

An Emergence Experience begins with provocative questions, regenerative processes, and creative people who are not afraid to challenge paradigms and suggest audacious solutions to problems. We seek to co-create a regenerative community experience where ideas converge, diverge, and emerge.


The Emergence Salon is a unique live virtual exchange of ideas and perspectives around regenerative thinking and practice.

Salon 1: Regenerative Economics

🗓  February 24 – Part 1 – Towards a Regenerative Economy

🗓  March 24 – Part 2 – Exploring Regenerative Economics as a Regenerative Community


Connect, collaborate, co-create.

There's much work to do. Every organization has its sweet spot—its focus and priorities. At Emergent Exchange our job is to find the pattern that connects—to help organizations find synergies and collaborate, and to provide tools to guide individual activists, leaders and funders across the often hard-to-navigate regeneration landscape.

Emergent Exchange will also help you advance your organization's mission through regenerative futures-oriented facilitation practices. Let's work together to develop your strategy and action plans. Contact us to explore how we can collaborate.

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Connect, collaborate, co-create.

There's much work to do. Every organization has its sweet spot—its focus and priorities. At Emergent Exchange our job is to find the pattern that connects—to help organizations find synergies and collaborate, and to provide tools to guide individual activists, leaders and funders across the often hard-to-navigate regeneration landscape.

Emergent Exchange will also help you advance your organization's mission through regenerative futures-oriented facilitation practices. Let's work together to develop your strategy and action plans. Contact us to explore how we can collaborate.

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Bring your heart's work. We'll help you find a fit.

Each of us possesses unique gifts and the capacity to contribute to creating a future that works for all of us, including our furry and scaly relations! Emergent Exchange is founded on the belief in the power of collective imagination and reciprocity. Even if you haven't found your cause or calling, we encourage you to bring your passion and skills to the party and we promise we'll deliver on emergence!

Ready? Get involved today.

Calling all aspiring change-makers, cause-artists, early-stage nonprofits and activists who aren't afraid of complexity and possess a capacity for imagining the possible.

Emergent Exchange is the place to form unlikely coalitions, collaborate and experience emergence. We invite you to explore how you can get involved.